
In June 2023, the CDSC celebrated its first Caribbean Digital Scholarship Summer Institute at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. The Caribbean Digital Scholarship Summer Institute (CDSsi) seeks to provide training in Caribbean digital scholarship, and this year's courses focused on computational approaches, digital pedagogy, and the design and implementation of knowledge systems beyond the use of templated solutions.

During its inaugural year, the CDSsi gathered over forty Caribbean scholars, archivists, librarians, faculty, and graduate students to learn specific skills in digital scholarship. This year, the CDSsi offered three courses: Critical Digital Pedagogy, by Halcyon M. Lawrence; Building Caribbean Digital Archives, taught by Nicole N. Aljoe and Sonya Donaldson; and Minimal Computing for Caribbean Scholars, led by CDSC members Schuyler Esprit, Alex Gil, and Andreina Soto. Participants also visited the Cuban Heritage Collection and the Kislak Center to learn about the initiatives the University of Miami took to preserve the cultural heritage of the Cuban Diaspora and Florida more generally. The week-long, intensive format allowed participants to build critical foundational skills while establishing personal and professional connections with their peers and instructors.

The CDSsi aims to address the need for training and mentorship that considers the Caribbean region's particularities, expands the talent pool, and secures a viable future for digital scholarship in Caribbean studies. The second iteration of this program will take place in the Summer of 2024; stay tuned for updates!

Thanks to CDSC members Kelly Baker Josephs and Gabrielle Jean-Louis for organizing this event!

The CDSC celebrated its first Summer Institute