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The CDSC assembles a team of seasoned scholars and educators, in partnership with community groups and academic institutions, to offer various programs that support digital scholarship in and for the Caribbean. Our members have worked arduously for the past months, bringing this vision to life. Please have a read at some of our latest activities!

The Caribbean Digital Virtual Artist's Residency

As part of the CDSC, the Caribbean Digital Virtual Artist's Residency program will fund an artist per year for a residency tied to The Caribbean Digital conference. The residency program, coordinated by prof. Kelly Baker Josephs in partnership with the art collective Alice Yard, offers a cash stipend to fund six months of part-time research, creative work, and mentorship for emerging digital artists in the Caribbean.

Artist Marinna Shareef from Trinidad and Tobago will be the TCD's inaugural Virtual Artist's Residency. Shareef is an early-career artist who graduated in 2019 with a BA in visual art from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. Read more about the TCD Artist Residency

UPR Caribe Digital educational programs

UPR Caribe Digital recently launched two educational programs to promote digital scholarship in Puerto Rico. UPR Caribe Digital selected prof. Mila Aponte as their Fellow Resident, and prof. Víctor Torres Rodríguez as their Instructional Designer. Together, Aponte and Torres Rodríguez will develop a comprehensive program on digital literacy that will benefit the university’s students, librarians, professors, and researchers.

UPR Caribe Digital also selected the cohort for their inaugural DH Scholars in Residence program, which brings together university students and community partners to learn about digital preservation, curatorship, and digital content. Throughout the 2022-23 academic year, ten undergraduate students from the University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras will work with five community partners to develop a DH project. This year's community partners include Taller Comunidad La Goyco, Fundación Juan Mar Brás, Siempre Vivas Metro, Fundación Culebra, and Organización Waves Ahead.

Create Caribbean

On June 24, 2022, Create Caribbean hosted its RTC Research Internship Symposium. The RTC Internship Symposium is the annual capstone event for the Research, Technology, and Community (RTC) Internship Program at Dominica State College. During the event, the students showcased their projects which employed various digital tools to analyze Caribbean literature from creative angles. Learn more about the 2022 RTC Symposium

Create Caribbean also launched its Community Partners Program to support community organizations and public serving agencies that could benefit from digital humanities tools and methods to enhance their work and advocacy. The partners include the Dominica Library and Information Service, Dominica State College, Waitukubuli Writers, and The Chronicle, Dominica's longest-serving newspaper. The Community Partners Program include a series of writers' retreats, workshops, and a Summer Intensive Training in digital humanities in August 2022. Check out the Create Caribbean upcoming activities

Starting Strong

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