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In May 2023, UPR Caribe Digital celebrated the end of their DH Scholars in Residence (DHSRP) 2022-2023 program at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus. During the academic year, the DH Scholars-in-Residence Program (DHSRP) trained and guided ten scholars who created amazing digital projects in collaboration with non-profit organizations around Puerto Rico and a specialized mentor. In the process, the participants gained practical experience and developed skills related to library science, basic computer programming, and digital curation.

During the residency, two of the projects led by the DHSRP cohort worked with community partners to develop digital archives. DH scholars Mila Hellfyre and Juan José Roque-Giraud, under the mentorship of Professor Noraida Dominguez Flores, created a digital repository for the organization Waves Ahead Puerto Rico to tell the organization’s history. The digital archive brings together materials such as photographs, promotions, recognitions, and other digital/digitized documentation of the various initiatives Waves Ahead has compiled since 2017. In doing so, this amazing digital archive makes visible Waves Ahead's efforts to provide psychological services and promote education, prevention, and public policy in support of older people from the LGBTQ+ community. You can learn more about this project at Waves Ahead Digital Archive.

Looking to preserve the work of the organization Juan Mari Brás, DH scholars Angely M. Díaz Torres and Ana Arroyo Vega worked under the guidance of Jeanmary Lugo González with the Puerto Rican Library and Newspaper Archive to develop a digital repository of Brás's work donated by the Juan Mari Brás Foundation. This team cataloged, digitized, and designed the online repository that brings a collection of various secondary and primary materials from the mid-twentieth century to the first decade of the twenty-first century. The project's goal aimed to preserve and promote the study of Brás’s legacy and his work and struggle for Puerto Rico's independence. You can learn more about this exciting project and explore their online exhibit at Digital Archive Juan Mari Brás.

In addition to creating digital archives, the DHSRP scholars also developed and designed collaborative webpages and podcasts Working in and with the neighborhood of San Mateo de Cangrejo. Under the mentorship of Professor Elidio La Torre Lagares, DH scholars Valeria Acevedo Argüelles and Pat Santalices Torres created a digital repository of oral history in collaboration with the Taller Comunidad La Goyco. These students interviewed the residents of Calle Loíza about their experiences in this popular street. Students incorporated these stories into their podcast called Las caras lindas de Santurce, which you can listen to through their site, Los espacios de la memoria.

Working with the SIEMPRE VIVAS Metro organization, DH scholars Gianni Andrea Rodríguez Roque and Christian Martínez Piris also designed a website to promote the organization's services, which support and advise victims and survivors of gender violence at the Río Piedras Campus. The website includes important information on prevention strategies, legal information, and support and healing spaces. You can learn more by visiting the site <a href=“”>SIEMPRE VIVAS Metro.</a>

The DH Scholars in Residence 2022-2023 program was made possible by UPR Caribe Digital, a CDSC-funded program that develops a comprehensible and sustainable plan to promote and foster the Digital Humanities in Puerto Rico. Thanks to UPR professors Mirerza González-Vélez and Nadjah Ríos Villarini, the mentor, and student scholars at UPR for bringing this program into life!

UPR Caribe Digital Celebrates the completion of their 2022-2023 DH Scholars in residence program

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